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In-Depth Article on Objective-C Language

Writer's picture: Abhishek BagelaAbhishek Bagela

Objective-C is a powerful, object-oriented programming language primarily used for macOS and iOS app development. It builds upon the C programming language by adding object-oriented capabilities and dynamic runtime features, making it flexible and dynamic for application development. Below is a detailed exploration of Objective-C:


1. History and Overview

Developed by: Brad Cox and Tom Love in the early 1980s.

Purpose: To provide object-oriented capabilities to the C language.

Adopted by Apple: Became the primary language for macOS and iOS development after Apple acquired NeXT in the late 1990s.

Syntax: A blend of C and Smalltalk, featuring message-passing syntax.


2. Key Features

1. Object-Oriented:

• Supports classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

• Example:

@interface Car : NSObject
@property NSString *model;
- (void)drive;
@implementation Car
- (void)drive {
    NSLog(@"Driving a %@", self.model);

2. Dynamic Runtime:

• Objective-C defers many decisions to runtime, making it highly flexible.

• Methods and properties can be added or removed at runtime.

3. Message Passing:

• Unlike direct method calls in other languages, Objective-C uses a Smalltalk-style message-passing approach.

• Example:

[object methodName];

4. Categories:

• Allows adding methods to existing classes without modifying their original implementation.

• Example:

@interface NSString (Reversed)
- (NSString *)reversedString;
@implementation NSString (Reversed)
- (NSString *)reversedString {
    NSUInteger length = [self length];
    NSMutableString *reversed = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:length];
    for (NSInteger i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        [reversed appendFormat:@"%C", [self characterAtIndex:i]];
    return reversed;

5. Protocols:

• Similar to interfaces in other languages, they define a blueprint of methods that conforming classes must implement.

• Example:

@protocol Drivable
- (void)start;
- (void)stop;

6. Memory Management:

• Initially used manual retain-release model (retain, release, autorelease).

• Later replaced by Automatic Reference Counting (ARC).

7. Interoperability with C and C++:

• Allows integration of legacy C or C++ code with Objective-C.


3. Basic Syntax

1. Class Declaration and Implementation:

• Declaration:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
- (void)myMethod;

• Implementation:

@implementation MyClass
- (void)myMethod {
    NSLog(@"Hello, Objective-C!");

2. Properties:

• Simplify getter and setter method creation.

• Example:

@property NSString *name;

3. Memory Management:

• Example with ARC:

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *title;


4. Objective-C vs Swift




Syntax Complexity

Verbose and C-like

Simplified and modern

Memory Management

Manual (pre-ARC), Automatic (ARC)

Automatic (ARC)


Slightly slower

Optimized for speed

Dynamic Features

Highly dynamic

Static and safe


Seamless with C

Seamless with Objective-C


5. Advanced Concepts

1. Blocks:

• Objective-C’s way of handling closures.

• Example:

int (^sumBlock)(int, int) = ^(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;
NSLog(@"Sum: %d", sumBlock(3, 5));

2. Selectors:

• Represent method names.

• Example:

SEL mySelector = @selector(myMethod);
[object performSelector:mySelector];

3. Dynamic Typing:

• Use of id for generic object handling.

• Example:

id dynamicObject = @"This is a string";
NSLog(@"%@", dynamicObject);


6. Practical Examples

1. Simple Hello World:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"Hello, Objective-C!");
    return 0;

2. Custom Class:

@interface Animal : NSObject
@property NSString *name;
- (void)speak;
@implementation Animal
- (void)speak {
    NSLog(@"%@ says Hello!",;
int main() {
    Animal *dog = [[Animal alloc] init]; = @"Dog";
    [dog speak];
    return 0;

3. Delegate Pattern:

@protocol PrinterDelegate
- (void)printerDidFinishPrinting;
@interface Printer : NSObject
@property (weak) id<PrinterDelegate> delegate;
- (void)printDocument;
@implementation Printer
- (void)printDocument {
    [self.delegate printerDidFinishPrinting];


7. Pros and Cons


• Mature and stable.

• Flexible with dynamic runtime.

• Interoperability with C/C++.


• Verbose syntax.

• Steep learning curve compared to Swift.

• Less future-proof as Apple prefers Swift.


8. Conclusion

While Objective-C has been largely replaced by Swift for new development, it remains an important language in the Apple ecosystem, especially for maintaining legacy code. Its unique dynamic runtime and message-passing style provide a solid foundation for building robust applications.


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